Living Discipleship is an immersive, 24-day experience in the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, as shared by his direct disciple, Swami Kriyananda. The program is held at the Ananda Meditation Retreat, the original site of Ananda and where the community began. Program participants live, learn and serve together in dynamic discipleship. Long group meditations, deep dives into the teachings, and joyful service are the building blocks of the program. Added to this foundation are opportunities for time in nature, introspection, and spiritual friendship.
This program is offered exclusively to Ananda Kriyabans who are established in the core teachings and have made their sadhana and service to Ananda a central part of their lives.
Donations to Living Discipleship are greatly appreciated. Please consider a tax-deductible donation to help in one of the following ways.
Program Discounts: The tuition for this extraordinary program can be more than some otherwise eligible individuals may be able to afford. Donations may be used to fund a partial discount for someone who, without financial help, might not be able to come. While partial discounts are occasionally offered to individuals demonstrating need, recipients are nonetheless asked to fund a significant portion of the tuition themselves, to ensure they are offering meaningful energy toward their attendance.
Program Costs: Running the program becomes more expensive every year. As the Program Coordinators work to keep costs down for attendees, it becomes ever more challenging. Your donation can help keep the program as dynamic and expansive as possible, serving not only attendees but also the Ananda community at large.
Thank you for your support of Living Discipleship!
Next Available Program Dates: 2025
- Feb. 23- March 19
- June 29 – July 23
Program Contact:
Program Coordinators:
- Nayaswami Maria (530-478-7506)
- Atman Goering
- Nandadevi Traymar (530-478-7503)
Email: [email protected]
Meditation Retreat Contact:
Housing and Fees Inquiry: Nayaswami Susan
Phone: 530-478-7557
Email: [email protected]
What are participants saying?
Where do I begin?
The process of applying to the Living Discipleship Program begins by speaking directly to your local Ananda Minister, Meditation Center or Group Leader. Please request time with them to review the suggested conditions for participation. They will be the ones to recommend you for participation in the program. If you are not in an area with an Ananda Center or Meditation Group, contact one of the Program Coordinators for more information.
Living Discipleship is a unique opportunity to open more fully to the presence of God and Guru. Below are just a few examples of what Living Discipleship will offer participants.
- Sadhana two times per day: Energization Exercises, postures (most afternoons), chanting, meditation
- Satsangs in Master’s core techniques to deepen and refine: Energization Exercises, Hong Sau, AUM Technique, and Kriya
- Satsangs with many of Ananda’s founding members
- Outings to Ananda Village
- Private event at Crystal Hermitage
- Nature experiences
- Guided seclusion
- Personal spiritual support throughout the program
- MEALS: all 3 meals are vegetarian, with GF and vegan options. Once you fill in the Application, you will have the chance to indicate any special diet requirements you have so that the kitchen is aware of your needs.
Living Discipleship is a program designed for Ananda Kriyabans who would like to deepen their attunement to Paramhansa Yogananda, as well as learn how to more fully integrate the path of Kriya into their daily lives. Participants will benefit most by being firmly established in the regular practice of the core techniques of Energization, Hong Sau, AUM, and Kriya.
The following recommendations for participation are to help assure that you get the most from the program. If you would like to receive support in any of these areas, please talk to your local minister or one of the Program Coordinators for Living Discipleship.
Participants typically spend a period of time preparing for this program. These efforts allow a person to feel more relaxed and spiritually ready for the deep immersion of Living Discipleship. The following are the suggested conditions for participation by the time you begin the program:
• I am a Kriyaban
• I have made Energization Exercises a regular part of my sadhana practice
• I meditate twice daily for a total of at least 1 ½ hours a day.
• If not practicing 108 kriyas daily, I am comfortable doing so during longer meditations
• I regularly offer myself in service to Master through Ananda, or aspire to do so
It is also recommended that you have read or studied the following books. If there are any that you have yet to read, please enjoy them prior to the start of your program.
• Autobiography of a Yogi
• The New Path (The Path)
• Art & Science of Raja Yoga
• Essence of Self-realization
• The Need for Spiritual Communities, How to Start Them and Why
• Guidelines for Conduct of Members of the Sevaka Order
- Ananda LA: Padma Haldar and Arnab Chatterjee
- Ananda Palo Alto: Asha Nayaswami, Tyagi Shanti, or David Praver
- Ananda Portland: Badri Matclock and Lorna Knox
- Ananda Sacramento: Nayswami Dharmadas and Nayaswami Nirmala
- Ananda Seattle: Nayaswami Hriman and Nayaswami Padma
- Ananda Village: A member of the Membership Committee (Nayaswami Maria, Nayaswami Sahaja, Jitendra Guindon, Sundara and Nandadevi Traymar, Atman Goering, Anna Preston, Dhyan and Shyama Garcia-Davis, Pavani Johnson)
Seek support in this process from your local minister, any of the above ministers, Nayaswami Pranaba ([email protected]), Lisa Clark ([email protected]), or contact the Program Coordinators.([email protected]).