Yogananda shrine, near Village Center parking
Ananda Village is a spiritual community. To help maintain the uplifting and peaceful environment, we ask visitors to please observe the following guidelines:
- Hours for Public Access – Visitors not lodging overnight at one of our guest facilities are welcome to enjoy the grounds from 8am – dusk daily. Ananda Village is closed to non-residents and non-lodging visitors from dusk – 8am.
- Drugs and Alcohol – During your stay, please do not use recreational drugs or alcohol, either on or off the property.
- Smoking – Smoking is permitted ONLY for guests staying overnight at the Expanding Light (our retreat facility), and ONLY outdoors, on the paved parking areas of the retreat. Smoking in all other areas of the community is prohibited. This is both out of consideration for residents and other guests, and to reduce fire hazard.
- Pets – Please leave dogs and other pets at home.
- Music – Music may be enjoyed with the use of headphones. (No musical instruments or loud radios, please.)
- Dress – While we have no formal dress code, we ask that you dress modestly.
- Roads – Please help keep our roads safe by observing a 20 mph speed limit.
- Ponds, Orchards, and Flowers – While you are welcome to enjoy the beauty of our ponds, orchards and flowers, we ask that you please not swim or fish in the ponds, or harvest fruit or flowers without permission.
We appreciate your cooperation in helping to keep Ananda Village a place of peace, beauty and joy.